Heidi Walcott, RIP

Heidi and Dan Walcott, Eagle Outdoor Advertising

Billboard Insider learned that Heidi Walcott, loving wife and business partner to Eagle Outdoor’s Dan Walcott died on September 3, 2023.  We will miss seeing her lovely smile at IBO conferences.  Dan, we are thinking of you and Darren.

Heidi Walcott 1965-2023

Heidi Walcott started her OOH journey by meeting her husband of 38 years who was a sign painter. Heidi’s father encouraged Dan to start Eagle Outdoor vowing that if it failed Dan could live when Heidi’s family. Working from their mobile home and a Ford Maverick, Heidi and her husband Dan constructed their first Junior Poster billboard. It was hand lettered. Heidi continued to be part of growth at Eagle Outdoor Sign Co., Inc. She kept the books for a period of time. Heidi helped in a few installations and accompanied Dan a few times on large 3M National billboards. She was the official “proof reader” at Eagle often causing her husband, Dan frustration. It always seemed a miss-spelled word was in the middle of a hand painted sign!

Heidi enjoyed being a part of the ESOAA trade organization. She participated in many IBO conferences. Her bright smile and outlook are missed.

Heidi lost her 3 year health battle with genetic lung cancer. She conquered her psychological battle by always “seizing the day” and reminded us that many children suffer the same challenges she did.

Heidi and Dan adopted two sons. She raised them to be good men and really enjoyed the Grand-children!


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  1. Our deepest condolences to Dan and the Walcott family

  2. Loved the piece about Heidi. Our deepest condolences to you and your family Dan and Darren.

  3. This is a beautiful piece about someone we have known for many years. Her legacy is strong and these kind words are a testament to that. I hope many people take a few minutes to read it.

  4. Prayers for Dan and his family!