Guess How Canada Measures Out of Home?

Remember the outcry last year over the announcement the the US out of home industry was going to consider revising the out of home measurement standard from likelihood to see to opportunity to see viewsheds?  Guess how the Canadian out of home industry measures out of home?  Here’s a quote from the COMBB Insights report for the third quarter of 2021 (emphasis ours):

A number of developments have marked the continuing march towards a reopening of the Canadian economy; these include easing of various restrictions across Canada (Ontario plans to lift all remaining measures, including proof of vaccination and indoor mask requirements by March 2022) and the reopening of the border in August to fully vaccinated U.S. citizens. The graph below indicates this continued movement and outdoor activity within the “opportunity to see’’ (OTS) viewsheds

Billboard Insider’s take: Canada is using opportunity to see viewsheds as the measurement standard.  Seems to be working fine.  Why won’t it work in the US as well?

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One Comment

  1. “Billboard Insider’s take: Canada is using opportunity to see viewsheds as the measurement standard. Seems to be working fine. Why won’t it work in the US as well?”

    How are you all determining that it seems to be working fine?