AGE Advertising President Andy Goodman has 33 years experience developing and siting billboards. Today he talks about the development process in California.
The Development Process
I look for a sign code that I can work with. If I know there is a workable code I start to identify the properties that are in that city. Out here in California I look for properties that are on the non-landscaped section of the freeway or that I believe can be declassified…Caltrans maintains a website and database that gives the post miles which enables me to see where the landscaped areas of the freeway are and where it’s non-landscaped…Landscaped sections of the freeway don’t allow for a net increase in the number of billboards. So we must be prepared to take down a billboard in the landscaped section of the freeway to build a new one.
Then I start to identify the property owners. Once I’ve got them under lease its time to start talking with the city council. It’s important to get a simple majority, 3 out of 5 council members that support the project. If I’m able to get the support of council members I start talking to staff. Talking to staff may include an amendment to the sign code or just an application and Development Agreement if a project is allowed by the current code. At the same time I am also talking with staff and the city attorney about the Development Agreement which needs to be in place to go to the planning commission and the city council. Once I’ve received approval from the Planning Commission and City Council its time to apply for a permit from CalTrans. If everything goes right with CalTrans I get my permit and order the steel.
Time Frames for Development
If you have a city that supports your project a year to two years. But I’ve had more complicated projects stretch out for 5-6 years.
Have a question on out of home site development and leasing? You can contact Andy at andygoodman.age@gmail.com or by using the form below.
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