“I walked up to my sales manager Monday and said, I don’t know what our sales people were doing over the weekend but Blip sold $800 in billboard ads. I know this because the art was sent to me for approval.” – Vince Miller, President, DDI Media. A comment over lunch on DDI Media’s success using automated buying service Blip Billboards to help sell billboard space.

“Our 2013 billboard ad was way too busy. Reagan Outdoor made Titos sign a release form saying that they’d told us the creative was unreadable and too cluttered and wouldn’t have an impact. Our company thought people needed something to read when they were stuck in traffic. We realized we had to simplify to one message.” – Nicole Portwood, VP Marketing, Titos Handmade Vodka on learning a lesson about effective out of home creative.

The new Geopath solution contains 387 billion structured data records per year. Making it 3000 times larger than the TAB system. So the size comparison would be TAB as the city of Waco, and Geopath as the entire state of Texas. Or, the difference between a marshmallow and a keg of beer. – Kym Frank on Geopath’s new platform

There should be more formal ties between industry organizations. Those of you who belong to more than one industry organization can get this done. Do it for our industry. Do it so OOH can speak with one voice to the media, to elected officials, and most importantly to our customers. – OAAA President Nancy Fletcher on the need for more collaboration between the groups representing out of home (e.g. IBOUSA, Digital Place Based Advertising Association, Digital Sign Federation, Geopath, Interactive Advertising Bureau and OAAA).

We think other media firms may get into OOH because their existing sales force can handle sales. We got a call from a legacy broadcaster two weeks ago which said we want to enter out of home. – Peter J Solomon investment banker Mark Boidman on interest in out of home by non-out of home firms.
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