Fotofetch Shots of the Week


We typically don’t have one good photo in a week, let alone in a day, we have hundreds! On any given day, we have orders pouring in and photos being taken. Just took a look and we have photo shoots going as I write, at this very moment, in Seattle, San Francisco, L.A., Salt Lake City, Denver, Liberal OK, Dallas…and Fort Worth, Mobile, Birmingham, Detroit and Bowling Green, Frederick in Maryland, way down south in New Jersey in Cap May, then up to the Anchorage in Jersey too, always have a few in Manhattan, then Bedford, New Hampton, and Ossipee! Later on today, there will be more.

And that’s just to name some of the ones being shot right now. FotoFetch shoots photos wherever you need them. Bringing you the best photos at a price that makes sense. We have a revolutionary platform that allows you to enter an order, then sit back and wait for a very fast response, not a call, not an email, we deliver the photos pronto.




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