Fotofetch Shot of the Week

The magic of recalling life’s most defining moments, replaying and reliving them in our minds. Our most treasured days, moments that changed the course of history, redefined us, made us consider what it means to be human and what it means to be alive. Moments inextricably tied to the photos of their time, the images that we associate with the times, of our lives and its passage. Transformed into moments shared by us all. Markers in our journey that forever will remind us where we came from and where we strive to go. From the roaring lion at the start of a Hollywood spectacular that beckons us to far away lands with wonder and hope, or a prizefighters knockout heard around the world that reminds us perseverance and faith can bring victory to even the smallest among us. Photos tell our collective story and inspire us to continue writing it. See how FotoFetch and our network of 8500 photographers can help tell your story today.


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