Ever wanted to generate a mockup of how a digital billboard will look at a certain location when you are meeting with landowners or city officials. Formetco’s XD app for the iphone lets you do that.
Download the app from the itunes store.
Open the Xpand box on the Formetco XD app
Take a picture of the location where you’d like to put a sign.
More an image of the sign into the picture with your fingers. Then use the app to email the result to yourself.
The Formetco XD app has lots of other great features:
- Maintenance videos
- Info sheets about running and marketing your digital billboard.
- Programming examples
- An ROI calculator
- A contact button which allows you to get in touch with Formetco.
Insider’s take: This is a great tool which saves money and provides info to help you run your company better.
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