Out of Home America Wilkins Media (OOHA Wilkins) of East Hartford, CT has created a 3D climbing wall on a billboard for the Toyota RAV4 Hybrid in New York City’s Times Square.
“This is the tallest outdoor climbing wall in New York City, and the first billboard of its kind in Times Square,” said Patricia Turosz, Director of Client Partnerships at OOHA Wilkins, headquartered in East Hartford.
She worked with ad agency Saatchi & Saatchi LA beginning last September to make the billboard happen.
“At first we had to find the right vertical space that could take 3D rock props, and then we had to get an outdoor vendor who was willing to allow a person to climb its billboard,” Turosz said. “Unsurprisingly, given the risky nature of the project, we were rejected by many big outdoor companies.”
OOHA Wilkins found the location at 47th Street and Seventh Avenue, bid the job to several prop makers, and spoke to a structural engineer to gain the assurance that the City of New York would approve such a project.
The 6,000 pound climbing wall is more than 100 feet high. The lead climber, David Morton, was a consultant on the Everest film and has scaled Mt. Everest six times. The amateur climber, Christina Fate, had never rock climbed until five weeks before the event. (The climb started on 3/22 and the climbing event ran for three days, 3/22 -3/24, but the installation started the previous week.)
OOHA Wilkins is the largest independently owned out-of-home media buying service in the U.S.
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