Outdoorlink has a terrific product which allows you to remotely monitor and control your billboard lights and digital billboards. Billboard Insider talked with Duane Fredrickson, General Manager of Circle City Outdoor’s 65 face billboard plant about how he uses the Smartlink service to manage the lights.

What is Smartlink?
Smartlink is a controller which we’ve installed at each of our billboards. The controller communicates with my phone and desktop computer via cellular to tell me if there are problems with any of our lights.
Duane, what do you think of Smartlink?
What do I think of Smartlink? – I love it! It gives me the ability to remotely monitor the lighting on all of our locations, no matter which market they be in. The system can be managed either on my desktop or smart phone. I get notified of power outages. I can reboot lights remotely. Smartlink even supplies me with diagnostic information if the system is down which allows me to schedule a visit by our electrician to start analyzing the problem.
You recently had a situation where Smartlink paid off. What happened?
Yes, I did. The remote notifications are so important. I’m based in Minnesota and some of our locations are in Indiana, 600 miles away from my office. I received a notification on my smartphone that we had an issue on one of our locations north of Indianapolis. Within the notification, it noted that there was a faulty relay switch #3. I contacted the electrician that we use in the area and let him know what to look for. Within 24 hours of the notification, the lighting system was up and running again at minimal cost. As it turns out, it was relay #3.
To learn more about how Smartlink can help your company visit the Outdoorlink website or contact PJ Pedroni, pjpedroni@outdoorlinkinc.com, 253-377-8700.
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