Do You Build It? – Part 2

Many of you read our post yesterday on “Do You Build Because You Can?”.  As a follow up we had a conversation with Neil Bell of New South Outdoor to get additional details and the back story on the sites in question.

We understand, as normally happens, there was more to the story than was reported. Can you provide us with more detail on the property?

Yes. This was by no means a “build it just because you can” scenario. It is a growing area with a road that is slated to be changed from 2 lanes to 5 lanes. Also, the property that it sits on is a 4-acre piece with ample buffer to the neighborhood that will most certainly be a strip mall in the near future. We had a number of advertisers wanting these sites and it would have been a profitable location immediately.

Tell us about how the site was originally permitted?

The site is in the unincorporated county. The city has annexed property in a gerrymandering way and has many pockets in the county. This is one that many residents would have expected to be in the city limits. The city does not allow off-site signs, but the county has no restrictions whatsoever. It is not a state road so no state permit was needed.

How did the developer come into the story?

I do not believe that there would be a story here or that it would have garnered the strong reaction from residents if it were not for the property owner and the history between him and the city of Auburn. The property owner is probably the largest land owner and developer in town who also owns many businesses (including a group of radio stations – read newspaper competitor) and has his share of critics. He owns other parcels within 500 feet of this site and had been working for over 2 years to rezone an area next to his nearby gas station in order to accommodate a 14-acre shopping center. Many of the residents of the neighborhood showed up to oppose the rezoning even though he met all of the requirements and had made many concessions requested by the city in order to accommodate all parties. Despite the approval recommendation by all city staff, the city council denied his rezoning as it was an “emotional issue”. He has since filed suit against the city.

Why did you decide to pull out of the project?

Because of the larger political issues and lawsuit, we did not want to be in the middle of it.

              New South CEO Neil Bell

Is the question of “Do you build because you can?” still a relevant question for you and New South Outdoor?

Absolutely. I was certainly guilty of this earlier in my career. Sites are getting harder to find with regulations becoming tougher on a local level, so that temptation to build wherever you are allowed is often there. I have learned over the years, however, that you really have to weigh the income you can generate on a sign against what the local government and citizens feel about it and how that may impact your local business.


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