Landmark Dividend has a new manager. Digital Colony Management, a global tower and infrastructure company has purchased 100% of the general partner interests in Landmark Dividend, LLC as well as 13% of the limited partner interests in Landmark. Digital Colony is a subsidiary of Colony Capital a New York Stock Exchange traded finance company with $46 million in assets under management. Digital Colony manages 20 tower, data center and fiber companies including Vertical Bridge which has in the past explored ways to lease antenna space on billboards.
Insider’s take: We expect Landmark to continue to emphasize cellular lease purchases, renewal lease purchases and transit digital kiosks and to deemphasize out of home lease and easement purchases. Landmark shares finished the day flat while the S&*P 500 was down 0.36%, Lamar declined 1.5%, OUTFRONT declined 1.8% and Clear Channel Outdoor declined 2.6%.
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