Digital Billboards a quick and responsive medium for informing people about coronavirus.

Digital billboards and automated buying allow people to respond quickly with messaging based on current events.  We’ve seen this used in the presidential race and we’re seeing it used to fight coronavirus.

Last week twitter founder and Adquick investor Alex Ohanian used Adquick to execute a buy on a trio of OUTFRONT digital screens in the heart of Time’s Square to encourage social distancing.  Chris Gadek of Adquick tells Insider, “digital OOH inventory and software is a winning combination for deploying important messages or campaigns quickly.   DOOH campaigns booked on AdQuick can be planned and executed in minutes — reaching intended audiences in less than a day using AdQuick. The only thing an advertiser (or their agency) has to do is select a location, upload the creative assets into the platform and e-sign an agreement.”

The OAAA and the CDC have partnered to offer coronavirus PSA’s to out of home companies.  The creative was designed by OUTFRONT’s Eddy Herty who is the OAAA Creative Committee chair.  The OAAA is distributing the creative via this webpage for operators to run on their billboards.

Billboard ad designer Adam Owen sent this creative to his clients.   Insider is running it on his digital billboard in Sherman Texas.

What is your out of home company doing to respond to the coronavirus? Email your responses and pictures to

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