This year may have started differently from others, but one thing is always certain, people’s minds always turn to losing the holiday weight from their over indulgence and the New Year skies fill with fitness billboards. Gyms may be closed during this pandemic but people are still finding creative ways to workout and achieve their fitness goals. For Daily Billboard Blog’s ‘3 of a Kind’ feature this month, were taking a look at three examples of gym and fitness center outdoor ads encouraging passersby to kick start their fitness regime around Los Angeles.
First up is a very tongue-in-cheek ad creative from fitness center chain, 24 Hour Fitness, using sexual innuendo to get your attention and into the gym above L.A.’s Westwood Boulevard back in March 2016.

The next billboard is for West Hollywood’s Burn 60 studio which is offering ‘Results not Resolutions’ for the New Year painted on the back of a muscular gym-goer snapped along Santa Monica Boulevard in December 2015.

The third example is a far more lifestyle approach for luxury health club Equinox, which encourages people to ‘Commit to Something’, whether it be getting in shape or following your passion for bee keeping. Make sure you check out more ad creatives from Equinox’s provocative outdoor campaign , like this one photographed along Santa Monica Boulevard in February 2017.

All three of these gyms take a different approach, but all with the same goal, to get people into their facilities to use their services using outdoor advertising.
Come back next month when we’ll be looking three billboard approaches using Valentine’s Day as their inspiration.
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