CUENDE MetricOOH Traffic Metrics Launches in USA

CUENDE USA announced today that they are introducing a version of their MetricOOH traffic metrics platform tailored for the American market.  MetricOOH, pronounced “Metric-ooooo” is a tool set that compares the physical attributes of Out of Home (OOH) locations.  By using the same satellite imagery used by big governments, all traffic on the road when the image is captured can be analyzed independent of the limitations of privacy or mobile location issues impacting current audience measurement services. Their comparative tools will give the end user a way to find the best OOH inventory in a specified market.

“The traffic metrics tools are based on sophisticated machine learning and artificial intelligence that takes into consideration the physical attributes of OOH locations,” said Daniel Cuende, Cuende MetricOOH Manager.  “Our 15 international patents use an exclusive process to evaluate satellite data and the Visibility Adjusted Cones identify those vehicles that can see the display.

“We have two basic affordable products that will benefit both the buy side and sell side users.  The Penetration Index (PI) evaluates the ‘intensity potential” of how traffic penetrates all OOH inventory in a market, then ranks them in a very easy way that most elementary schoolers can understand, with A, B, C, D grading and green, yellow and red colors for those more visually oriented.  It was very important for us to keep the KISS approach in mind, Keep It Simple Simple.  This will be great for companies to have an equal comparison of inventory and even help media owners evaluate locations before they acquire leases or permits.”

Cuende goes on to say, “The buy side will enjoy the Flux Rating (FR), that uses the same supporting metrics, but fluctuates the selected universe of locations, so they can be evaluated side by side in campaigns.  Now rural, suburban and metropolitan assets and even multi-national campaigns evaluate pricing and balancing of budgets and may possibly result in campaign results reaching areas they may not have considered before.  Media owners can also use this tool in local sales efforts to help combine some of their peripheral inventory in local campaigns.”

While the processes are rather complicated, CUENDE further announced that it is now in the full accreditation process of the Media Rating Council (MRC).  “While this does not mean that MetricOOH is or will be accredited, we are committed to accommodate every requirement mandated by the MRC audit process,” said Cuende.  “Being MRC accredited is the Holy Grail and as we obtain the data and curate the beta test cities, we will simultaneously be seeking MRC accreditation.  We expect to engage with early adopters this summer and finalize the full accreditation process by the first quarter of 2022, or as the MRC process allows.  More information will be announced soon on how to participate or gather more details.”


Founded in 1991, CUENDE designs and develops advanced analytical systems in the area of marketing and advertising.  We provide clients with advanced information on essential factors with the aim of increasing their profits and reducing their risks.

Developing projects in 14 countries, CUENDE is a pioneer in the use of satellite images to determine traffic metrics for entire markets simultaneously. We are exclusive partners of Maxar, owner of the highest resolution commercial satellites and who also provides similar services to governments and intelligence agencies worldwide.


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