Company: Trotter Outdoor
Headquarters: 342 Bridle Path Rd., Saluda SC 29138
Market: South Carolina
Phone: 864.992.7057

Matthew Trotter is the owner/operator of Trotter Outdoor. Matthew’s father started the business 20 years ago. The Company remains a family company, owned and operated with a mix of both static and digital boards. Trotter Outdoor provides billboard advertising services in 17 different communities in South Carolina. Insider talked with Matt Trotter.
Matthew, how’d you get into the outdoor business?
My dad started the business nearly 20 years ago. He placed a call into one of the larger companies about a board available on I-26 and after receiving the quote he was shocked and started the research. Being a General Contractor he was familiar with the steel erection business and he saw an opportunity. Thankfully it worked out.
Tell us a little bit about the company and its markets?
We are still a small company, family owned and operated. I wear several caps from sales, installs and management. Our coverage is a portion of the midlands and a few stretching into the upstate of South Carolina.
Who’s digital signs do you use and why?
Thus far Formetco. We have purchased hardware from Formetco for almost 20 years. Formetco has been a good company to deal with from a hardware standpoint and hasn’t disappointed in the digital phase. We are on our 6th digital in over 2 years and have had great results and service. Although, our oldest unit is 2.5 years and hasn’t had a service call. I toured other plants and met a lot of nice folks but Formetco’s proximity to our office was the ticket. My thought was – worse case I can be at their doorstep in 3 hours to get a replacement part if needed.
What do you know now that you wish you knew when you entered the outdoor business?
In one word “locations”. We can talk hindsight 20/20, but I wish I would have focused on leasing and permitting. Most counties or municipalities have now heavily restricted or erased the off premise sign from their ordinance in our area.

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