Company: TierOne Media
Headquarters: 8668 Navarre Parkway, Suite 343, Navarre, FL 32566
Markets: Pensacola/Emerald Coast FL, Montgomery and Mobile AL
Phone: 850-800-5000

Jesse London is the President and CEO of TierOne. Always fun to catch up with Jesse and here is a part of our conversation.
Jesse, tell us a little about the markets TierOne serves?
We have over 20 faces in the Florida Panhandle. Tourism at the Emerald Coast beaches is a healthy eight months a year, and the area is home to several significant military bases which provides good economic consistency year-round. Our 35 Alabama faces are in the more upscale counties of Mobile and Montgomery. Both cities are within two hours of Pensacola, and they benefit from new industry and rapid urban development. In Mobile we started with two faces and are now at fourteen.
What has it been like building TierOne versus your time at OUTFRONT? How many faces do you now own?
In just over two years we grew from 29 to 55 faces, so at this rate we should be able to double the size of our original purchase in just a few more weeks. The scale is different; TierOne is not as large as Outfront yet; we develop state roads not Times Square, but this work is more rewarding and in many ways it moves faster. Here I make all the decisions, am closer to landlords, know most advertisers directly, am always on site when we fly the head, and most important I am building value for my stakeholders (and myself) each time a pole goes in the ground.
I understand your business has both an outdoor and indoor component?
We have deployed a network of over 140 TV’s that generates more top and bottom line revenue than all of our static bulletins combined. The network of small format screens is a real complement to our large format digital because we are selling the same :08’s to our same advertisers, but since indoor imps cost less we are able to package the two mediums together naturally. We brand all the TV’s with a TierOne skirt which gives the company more visibility where decision makers shop, dine, workout, do their nails, etc., and we are doing this without significant capital or permits.
How many digitals do you have and do you have a preferred manufacturer?
Of our 55 faces 32 are digital, and those generate 80% to 85% of top line revenue. The plant is comprised mostly of Watchfire and Formetco, and most recently our preferred product is the 16mm Formetco.
Looking ahead, do you still see growth opportunities for TierOne and where will they come from?
We will keep finding good locations, winning favorable leases/easements and building. We are fortunate to have rallied a good sales team and ad support, that in turn enables us to reach further. We will add indoor networks of 35+ screens in towns where we have adequate billboard coverage.
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