Market: Virginia
Address: 20260 Lynchburg Hwy, Lynchburg, VA
Email: robert@semediacorp.com
Phone: 434-665-4836
Southeastern Signs operates four digital billboards with 8 faces in Virginia. Insider talked with the company’s owner Robert Wallace who formed the business in 2012.

How did you enter the out of home business?
I don’t have any family in the out of home business. I always grew up wanting to start my own business. I understood the concept of buying something and renting it out. I just happened to see some of these old, wooden, telephone pole style billboards out in a field and I was like – you know I could probably build one of those and rent it out. Soon after, I realized all of the static locations worth building were taken. The expenses involved were too much to justify a static but it would work with a digital. I try to build digitals at A+ locations near stoplights. The last three that I built are all directly at stoplights. You can check out our video of the construction here:
Was it tough getting your original permits?
The first time I went to the zoning office I brought 16 prospective locations and all 16 of them got denied…they were picky about every little thing. I found a spot that was on a road between two stop lights. There was a gully there so you couldn’t build a building. The city zoning official said I couldn’t build there because of a house on the far back side of the property. Even though it was zoned industrial, because the house was on the other end of the property it was “considered residential” and they go with the more restrictive zoning when issuing permits. There was a house on the far end of the property but it had boards on the windows and trees growing through the roof and needed to be bulldozed. I took pictures and was persistent going back to the zoning office multiple times. They finally got tired of me coming in and gave me the permit.
How has Covid impacted your company?
We’ve tried to adapt with the times. As soon as Covid started becoming a problem we started focusing on businesses that are booming during covid, cleaning businesses, pizza delivery, etc. 2020 was our best year even with Covid.
What are some of your objectives for 2021?
I’d like to increase our market share of larger companies that advertise for branding purposes in our area.
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