Company of the Day: Southeastern Sign

Robert Wallace, Founder, Southeastern Signs

Company:  Southeastern Signs

Market:  Virginia

Address: 20260 Lynchburg Hwy, Lynchburg, VA


Phone: 434-665-4836

Southeastern Signs operates four digital billboards with 8 faces in Virginia.  Insider talked with the company’s owner Robert Wallace who formed the business in 2012.

How did you enter the out of home business?

I don’t have any family in the out of home business. I always grew up wanting to start my own business. I understood the concept of buying something and renting it out. I just happened to see some of these old, wooden, telephone pole style billboards out in a field and I was like – you know I could probably build one of those and rent it out. Soon after, I realized all of the static locations worth building were taken. The expenses involved were too much to justify a static but it would work with a digital. I try to build digitals at A+ locations near stoplights.

What’s new at the company since we talked last in 2021.
I was constantly getting people reaching out asking about how I got started in billboards so I started a “Billboard Entrepreneurs” facebook group. I had a lot of help from people all across the nation (including Dave Westburg) when I was getting started so I’m just passing it along to the next generation. It’s a good group for anyone who is interested in starting a billboard advertising company or if you currently have a billboard company you can post questions, tips, or tricks. You never know what you might learn. One guy from Canada reached out and we were able to save him over 20k on his structure just by recommending a fabricator that specializes in billboards vs using his local fab shop. It’s a small group as of right now, only 93 members but free to join and it’s a good place to get some knowledge if you’re just starting out.
Are you using any of the automated sales platforms (Blip, Adquick,, Adomni) and what’s been your experience?
I haven’t yet mostly because our vacancy has been very low but I’m definitely going to be doing more research and possibly some testing this year.
You’ve got a great chatbot built into your website.  Do people contact you often using it?
I have a small percentage of people that use it. I’ve got it setup with the first message as an auto response from me with my phone and email. Usually if someone asks a question they’ll just call directly after they get the auto response message.
Wish you a prosperous 2023!
Thank you, Dave. Same to you!


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