Company: Southeastern Signs
Market: Virginia
Address: 20260 Lynchburg Hwy, Lynchburg, VA
Email: robert@semediacorp.com
Phone: 434-665-4836
Southeastern Signs operates four digital billboards with 8 faces in Virginia. Insider talked with the company’s owner Robert Wallace who formed the business in 2012.
How did you enter the out of home business?
I don’t have any family in the out of home business. I always grew up wanting to start my own business. I understood the concept of buying something and renting it out. I just happened to see some of these old, wooden, telephone pole style billboards out in a field and I was like – you know I could probably build one of those and rent it out. Soon after, I realized all of the static locations worth building were taken. The expenses involved were too much to justify a static but it would work with a digital. I try to build digitals at A+ locations near stoplights.