Company of the Day: Orange Barrel Media

Company: Orange Barrel Media

Markets: Nationwide

Headquarters: 250 North Hartford Ave, Columbus, OH  43222

Phone:  614-294-4898

Orange Barrel Media designs and operates more than 2200 total displays including 1200 digital displays in 24 cities including New York, Los Angeles, Boston, Wash DC, Atlanta, Denver, Charlotte, Baltimore, Columbus and Cleveland.  The firm was started in 2004.  One of the company’s most iconic billboards is the Sunset Spectacular, a one of a kind 64′ tall tower with two integrated full motion digital spectaculars located on the Sunset Strip.  Pete Scantland is CEO.  Adam Borchers is Chief Operating Officer.  Danielle Williamson is VP Sales.  Jibran Shermohammed is VP Development and Corporate Counsel.

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