Company of the Day – Mashburn Outdoor

Company: Mashburn Outdoor

Headquarters: 2555 Marietta Highway, Ste. 102, Canton, GA 30114

Markets: Atlanta & Savanah, GA

Phone: (877) 413-3683


Led by Richard Mashburn, Mashburn Outdoor has owned and operated over 800 traditional and digital billboard faces throughout the Southeast since they were founded in 2009. Mashburn currently operates 6 digital and static faces in the Greater Atlanta area and 13 digital faces in the Savanah market. Included with their digital signs is a downtown Atlanta spectacular at the I-75 / I-85 Connector at GSU Stadium (see video below).

A related entity, ATMedia Outdoor, is an Out of Home advertising company that utilizes a combination of unique media programs including Airports, Transit, Sampling and Events.



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