Company: Kenjoh Outdoor Advertising
Headquarters: Sidney, OH 45365
Markets: Cincinnati OH, Columbus OH, Dayton OH, Cleveland OH, Newport News VA, Chesapeake VA, Pittsburgh PA, Charlotte NC, San Antonio TX, Nashville TN, and counting
Phone: 419.405.3130

Kenjoh Outdoor Advertising offers high profile digital billboards on high traffic routes. John Kirirah is the owner of Kenjoh and Insider had the opportunity to talk with him about his company.
John, can you tell us about your background and what led you to the Out of Home industry?
I moved from Kenya to the US for college where I studied Engineering. After about a decade in the manufacturing/engineering field, I needed a change. The story of how I got into the industry is a long story for another day but here is a short version. Given my engineering background, I always wondered how those electronic billboards on the side of a highway do what they do. I started researching the industry and the rest is history.
Can you provide us some details on your billboard plant? I understand all your structures have digital faces?
Kenjoh is based in Ohio and has been in operation since mid 2016. Our inventory is mainly high profile digital signs in 10 major cities in 6 states. We do have a few statics but our focus is digitals. Our team is made up of 5 people. 3 sales and 2 land developers.

Do you focus on one digital manufacturer?
All our digital units are 16mm Watchfires. All our structures are built by Jon Odom with Productivity Fabricator in Indiana. Kenjoh is a very loyal client. If we have a vendor that treats us right, we find no reason to change. You know what they say, If it ain’t broke….
The name of your company, Kenjoh Outdoor is unique. Can you share with us how you came up with the name?
I wanted a name that is unique to help with SEO but yet a name that has a story behind it. I came up with KenJoh which simply means John from Kenya.
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