Company of the Day: Elevation Outdoor Advertising of Tennessee

Company: Elevation Outdoor Advertising of Tennessee

Market: East Tennessee

Headquarters: 5201 Kingston Pike, Suite 6, #138, Knoxville, TN  37919

Phone: 865-748-2427

h18Elevation Outdoor Advertising, LLC, based in Knoxville, Tennessee was founded in 2002. It’s majority owner is Martin Daniel. Elevation Outdoor does business in a 14 county area of East Tennessee and has over 220 bulletin displays, most measuring 14’ x 48’ or 10.5’ x 36’.  The company is a member of the OAAA and an IBOUSA operator associate.

Founder Martin Daniel  is an attorney and a state representative in the Tennessee Legislature.  Daniel was recently involved in an effort to keep the Tennessee DOT from expanding its logo sign program.

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