Company of the Day: Connell Outdoor

Company:  Connell Outdoor

Market: Las Vegas

Headquarters: 5242 University Center Drive, Las Vegas, 89119

Phone: 702-795-0555

Connell Outdoor is a locally owned Las Vegas billboard operator with premium locations in targeted tourist corridors and key Las Vegas interstates and freeways.   Jessica Connell is Connell Outdoor’s Executive Director.

Tell us about Connell’s history

Connell Outdoor Advertising is a locally owned and operated business started by my father, Michael Connell, over 40 years ago. We are a proven outdoor company and an industry leader in Las Vegas. Our tenure has demonstrated the ability to successfully manage and market advertising space to both local and national customers, and in that time we have earned an impressive level of customer satisfaction as well as customer retention in Las Vegas.

Jessica Connell, Connell Outdoor

How did you get into the outdoor business. 

Riding in a car seat over 40 years ago…

I was brought on for servicing local and national accounts along with business development for the company in 2009.

What’s the Las Vegas outdoor market like?

Las Vegas has an impressive mix of advertisers.  Our clients range from performers like Lady Gaga and U2 to luxury brands inside mega-resort casinos to working with the fast-paced day and nightclub venues along with servicing our local advertisers around the Las Vegas Valley.  There are a wide variety of advertisers, which continue to grow with the ever-changing landscape of one of the top tourist destinations in the world.

Who’s digital signs do you use and what’s been your experience?

Our current digital platforms are with Daktronics and Formetco.    Digital has been a great addition to the Las Vegas market for events, concerts, and conventions.  We are The Entertainment Capital of the World and it helps provide our clients with dynamic content and purposeful placements on a short-term and long-term basis.


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