Company of the Day – Burelz Billboards

Company:  Burelz Billboards

Markets: Memphis & Nashville, TN

Headquarters:   5587 Murray Avenue Suite 104, Memphis TN 38119

Phone: 901.289.5951


Burelz Billboards is based in Memphis with many centrally located boards in Tennessee, Alabama, and Mississippi with different choices, such as stagnant, tri-vision, and digital. David Buring started his first outdoor company in 1992 and Insider caught up with David to talk about the business.

David, tell us about your billboard plant.  Have you had any opportunities for growth in 2020 and 2021?

Our billboard plant consists of two different companies we own. Burelz Investments and River Advertising. We own right at 132 faces and manage another 102. There were not any growth opportunities for us in 2020 but there definitely have been this year. We have a few deals under contract and are just going through our due diligence and permit approvals. I’m really excited about them. We should know within the next thirty days where we stand on them.

I will tell you that in 2020 we were just holding on trying to see what was happening with Covid and where things would shake out. The markets we operate in have recovered very well so far. Occupancy and rates are where I hoped they’d be after last year.


Speaking of Covid, I assume your change in hair style might be related?
I told myself when the Pandemic hit that I was not going to get a haircut until is was over. Little did I know that over a year and half later it’s far from done. Consequently, my hair has gotten very long.
You also have a consulting practice. What services do you provide?
As far as consulting goes it has been next to nothing. When I had the idea to offer our services it was always intended to be in markets where we don’t operate.I thought that we could offer insight into how to know if a location is right, what obstacles to look for and showing somewhere where to go for fabrication and install. I suppose many people who might want to test the waters of the billboards business are probably like I was over twenty-nine years ago, just willing to dive in and hoping that things don’t backfire.
What are you seeing related to values in the Southeast?
From my perspective things in Southeast are really doing good. National business and regional business for our little companies is picking up. Having a really good selection of digital boards is also helping drive a lot of this I believe.
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