Company of the Day: Book Your Billboard

Company:  Book Your Billboard

Markets:  South Dakota

Address: 2004 N Westport Ave, Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57107


Phone: 605-799-6977

Book Your Billboard operates 45 billboard structures in South Dakota.  The company uses Daktronics digital billboards.  The company was the subject of a Sioux Falls Business article in 2019 and a Daktronics profile in August 2020.  Doug Muth started the company in 2006.  Co-owner Zach Neugebauer joined in 2015.

During covid the company did a scavenger hunt across Sioux Falls on 17 digital billboards with free gift certificates to a local restaurant as the reward for solving the riddle.  Doug Muth says it was a great way to bring Sioux Falls together during a difficult time and that it was a huge success.


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