Company of the Day: AR James Media

Company: AR James Media

Markets:  New Jersey, New York
Address:  1000 Woodbridge Center Drive, Suite 212, Woodbridge, New Jersey  07905
Phone:  848-999-2185
AR James Media operates bus shelter advertising, jr posters, bulletins and parking garage advertising in New York and New Jersey.  The firm is owned by Jim and Ariana DeLucia who are active in the business.  The company is a member of Geopath and the OAAA.  Insider talked with Jim Delucia this week.
How did you get into the out of home advertising business?

Long story short… We had a friend who was an account rep for a billboard/bulletin company and we became intrigued with the Out of Home Advertising space.  Around the mid 1990’s, we noticed an explosion of bulletins along the highways of New Jersey and the same time there was  a huge void of Out of Home advertising in NJ’s urban areas. These were densely populated areas in desperate need of an advertising medium and a need to protect their residents from the elements while waiting for a bus .  We had seen transit shelters advertising before, so we filled that void.

Tell us about your plant.

We have over 1000 signs  in 24 markets in the NY NJ  DMA. From Westchester County NY to Ocean County NJ.
Intersection is installing smart kiosks in New Jersey.  What’s your take?

I have mixed feelings about Intersections roll out.   One thought is it will create a more crowded environment for small format urban OOH in NJ but on the other hand we’ve seen this before in NYC and believe the market will eventually sustain it.

What impact has covid had on your company and has the market begun to come back
The covid shut down had a huge impact on AR James Media and OOH as a whole. We ended 2020 down close to 65% from 2019.  I think Transit advertising is lagging a bit behind larger format this year, but we are seeing steady inclines in local and regional advertising buys.
What are some of your priorities for 2021?
Staying positive and true to our mission. We are a little leaner in HR department right now, so we focus more on online paid advertising and social media to engage with our clients.

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