Colors and Outdoor Design

Kissmetrics has put together an infographic summarizing a 2003 study on color preferences by gender.



  • Blue was by far and away the favorite color of men. Blue and purple were the favorite colors of women.  Insider sees lots of examples of powerful billboards which use vibrant rich blues.

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work here be happy

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A billboard which is too light a blue will blend in with the sky and not be visible.


  • Orange, yellow and brown were the two least favorite colors of men and women.  These colors were considered cheap or inexpensive.  Yellow is highly visible, however.   Look at IKEA’s board below.  IKEA probably doesn’t mind being associated with an “inexpensive” color because they want to be associated with good value.  Same goes for McDonalds.



  • Women preferred soft colors and tints (e.g. colors with white added).


  • Men favored bright colors and shades (e.g. colors with black added).



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