Clear Channel Outdoor Billboards Help Locate Missing Person

San Antonio, Texas – l’yanna Lee, missing since March 22 of this year, was located the week of June 10, and reunited with her family as a result of the National Missing Children’s Day program sponsored by the San Antonio Police Department, Clear Channel Outdoor, Texas Center for the Missing (TCM), and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Launched May 25 in San Antonio, Clear Channel Outdoor broadcasted I’yanna’s photo on area digital billboards in both English and Spanish and contributed to l’yanna’s return.

“We are overjoyed to have l’yanna home with her family.  This gives all families of missing children hope that programs like this do work.  We know that the media coverage and the digital billboard messages brought her home and we thank everyone,”Windy Lawrence, l’yanna’s grandmother, said.

In 1983, President Ronald Reagan proclaimed May 25th National Missing Children’s Day.  National Missing Children’s Day is a reminder to all parents and guardians of the need for high-quality photographs of their children for use in case of an emergency.

The Texas Department of Public Safety Missing Persons Clearinghouse received 48,008 missing person reports in 2023 with 35,181 being juveniles. Clear Channel Outdoor is providing this month-long public service campaign at no cost in partnership with Texas Center for the Missing. This is one element of Clear Channel Outdoor’s ongoing partnership with Texas Center for the Missing and part of a larger campaign to raise awareness about local missing children in four major Texas markets:  Houston, Dallas, San Antonio and El Paso. To date, more than 11 Texas children have been reunited with their families as a result of this program.

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