On this week’s Billboard Insider podcast, Blackbird Media CEO Chenault Saunders talked about pricing structures to encourage local and non-profit advertisers to use the Nashville and Atlanta signs.
A lot of local advertisers and local non profits who would want to have part of the voice on the Nashville sign or the Atlanta sign can’t afford the rate that we command for a 4 week period. So what we’ve done…is…you show up once ever two minutes, once every four minutes, once every 8 minutes, and then down from there. Not a full 4 week period, a 2 week period, a 1 week period. We have multiple local advertisers that will advertise…during an important period for them and they will have 1/16th of the sign for 1 week and then we also have a local rate card and a local non-profit rate card. What we’ve found is that by fractionalizing this inventory we’re able to allow a lot of different advertisers, most all the charitable non profit institutions in the city are partners of ours.
Billboard Insider’s take: Makes sense to have a separate rate card for local and non-profit advertising. National advertisers typically run shorter campaigns, are more volatile and take longer to pay (especially when agencies are involved) so you should price them up. You also get community points from encouraging local and non-profit advertising. What are your thoughts on having a separate rate card to encourage local or non-profit advertising? Email davewestburg@billboardinsider.com or take our poll below. We’ll run the results on Monday.
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