Citing Reed v Gilbert the Texas Court of Appeals Third District this week voided two sections of the Texas Highway Beautification Act because they place content-based restrictions on free speech. The sections which were severed from the Texas Highway Beautification Act included: Subchapter B – Regulation of Outdoor Advertising Generally […]
Why Digital Billboards Shouldn’t Be Banned
Insider would like to thank Jorg Cieslok, President & Chief Executive Officer at Cieslok Media, for allowing us to print his article. In Dave Meslin’s article “Driven to Distraction” he links the distraction caused by digital billboards to automobile accidents as a leading cause of death; he suggests billboards […]
Houston Reduces Billboards
Click2Houston reports that the Houston City Council recently passed an ordinance approving a contract agreement with JGI Outdoor to reduce the number of its billboards in the city. JGI has agreed to remove 13 billboards around the city and in turn the city has extended the terms on four other JGI […]
Fresno Approves Digital Signs
As a follow up to our May post the Fresno City Council voted unanimously Thursday to approve a 20-year lease with Outfront Media to erect five digital billboards on four different city-owned properties around town. Outfront will put up the digital billboards along Highway 180 at Al Radka Park, on […]
Hawthorne Looking to Move Billboards
The City of Hawthorne, California is moving to entice the owners of more than five dozen old billboards to take them down in residential areas. Since Hawthorne imposed a citywide ban on new billboards, the owners have been prevented from legally upgrading or modifying their billboard structures. But this week, the […]
How To Hack A City Billboard Ban
Dave Haynes at the digital signage blog Sixteen Nine has an interesting post about a company which is skirting Sao Paulo’s billboard ban by using 19 laser projectors to turn the face of a citibank branch into a digital billboard. You can read a press release about the project here. Click on […]
Adams Sues Dane County Board Over Board Removal
Channel 3000 reports that Adams Outdoor has sued Dane County over the improper termination of billboard leases at the Dane County airport. Various predecessors to Adams have had a billboard lease at the Dane County airport since 1966. Adams and the Dane County airport executed a lease in 2006 which […]
Sussex County Invites Public Comments
Coastal Point updates the continuing progress on the proposed changes to the Sussex County, DE sign ordinance. At its Aug. 9 council meeting, the county council voted 5-0 to reintroduce a proposed ordinance to amend its code related to signs. Now they are providing the public with a second chance […]
Billboards To Be Removed Along Safety Corridor
KRCR News reports of an agreement between Caltrans and Outfront Media to remove 10 billboards along a Highway 101 safety corridor area of focus. The project is designed to: Improve safety and reduce delays at intersections. Reduce operational conflicts. Resurface, restore, and rehabilitate the existing Route 101. Extend or construct […]
Oceanside say no to digital boards and new static billboards
In 2012 Oceanside approved an ordinance allowing digital billboards. Now the city has changed its mind. Coast News reports that on August 10 the Oceanside City Council voted unanimously to change the city’s ordinance to forbid new digital signs or static billboards. Lamar and BGT are threatening to sue for […]