
Hurricane Damaged SC Billboards May Not Be Rebuilt

Coastal Observer reports that three billboards on Highway 17 in Pawleys Island, South Carolina which were damaged by Hurricane Matthew may not be replaceable.  Non-conforming billboards with more than 70% damage have to be removed under a county ordinance passed last year for the Waccamaw Neck Commercial Corridor Overlay Zone. […]

Surviving an OSHA Field Inspection

Fall protection is the most commonly issued OSHA citation in the construction industy.  Effective August 1, 2016 OSHA increased the fine for safety violations to $12,471 for a first offense and $124,709 for a repeat offense.  Outdoor billboards are visible.  Any OSHA inspector can drive by, see your crew on […]

El Dorado reconsiders billboard rules

El Dorado News says that the El Dorado, Arkansas Planning and Zoning Commission has called for a meeting to establish a comprehensive sign ordinance.  The ordinance would Grandfather existing billboards. Prohibit new billboards.     Paid Ad      

Texas Asks Court to Reconsider Billboard Decision

Chron reports that the Texas Attorney General’s Office has filed a motion to reconsider the Third District Court of Appeals Sept decision which threw out most of the Texas Highway Beautification Act on grounds that it violated the first amendment.  Harris County, the Texas Municipal League and Scenic Texas have […]

Pasco County Considers Digital Billboards

Tampa Bay Times reports that Pasco County Florida has scheduled a hearing on October 24 on a rule which would permit outdoor companies to install new digital signs if they take down existing static signs.  The existing proposal calls for 14 static billboards to be removed for every new digital […]

Know Your Opponent

Scenic America held its 2016 meeting in Salisbury, NC in October 2016.  You can download the presentations directly from the Scenic America website. There was a legal presentation on Reed V Gilbert and a presentation on the highway beautification act by Charles Floyd.  Most of the examples of ugly billboards […]

Thank Goodness For The Rule of Law

Next time you get irritated with your local zoning officials take a step back and thank your stars that you don’t live in Hungary.  Portfolio reports that the Hungarian government is trying to: Make every billboard illegal whether it is on public or private land. Issue “concessions” to government favored […]

Sussex County Approves New Billboard Rules

CapeGazette reports that the Sussex County Council passed a new sign ordinance which brings to a close a 13 month new sign moratorium.  The ordinance passed 5-0.   Here’s a summary of the final rules. Separate billboard regulations for 2- and 4-lane roads including maximum heights of 25 feet on […]

Yuma Approves Off-Premises Sign Regulations

The Yuma, AZ City Council has approved an ordinance to amend the city’s off-premises sign regulations as reported by the Yuma Sun.  The amendment made the following changes to a 2015 ordinance which made most of the city’s 165 billboards non-conforming. Grandfathering for non-conforming signs: “The lawful use of any nonconforming […]

Yuma Considers Sign Rule Changes

The Yuma Sun reports that the Yuma, Arizona City Council is considering the following changes to the city’s sign ordinance: A limitation of digital sign brightness to 6,500 nits during daylight hours and 300-342 nits during nighttime. Extensions can’t extend more than five feet beyond a horizontal surface of a […]