
4 arguments against amortization.

Amortization refers to the practice of forcing a billboard company to remove a billboard after an arbitrary period of time without compensation for the loss. One of the goals of the Scenic America Strategic Plan for 2016-2019 is to encourage communities to get rid of billboards by amortization.  There are […]

St John County, Florida Considers Digital Signs reports the St Johns County, Florida Planning and Zoning Agency is considering changes to Land Development Code to permit a two year test of digital billboards.  The regulations will: Require an 8 second flip Limit digital signs to industrial and commercially zoned areas adjacent to I-95. Require the removal […]

Wildwood, Florida wants no more billboards.

Villages-News reports that the Wildwood, Florida city commission has adopted a comprehensive sign ordinance which prohibits new billboards. Existing billboards are permitted and can be repaired. Existing billboards can be relocated under certain conditions such as a roadway expansion.     Paid Advertisement

Reno Extends Digital Moratorium

The Reno Gazette Journal reports that the city council voted on Wednesday to extend its moratorium on digital billboards for another year.  The council also halted the city’s practice of banking billboard receipts, which let billboard owners demolish an existing sign with a promise from the city that they could build it in […]

Clarksville TN city council approves relocation of 3 billboards

The Leaf-Chronicle reports that the Clarksville, TN city council has voted to allow Lamar to relocate billboards from College Street, Wilma Rudolph Boulevard and Madison Street to new locations on Bellamy Lane, Lowes Drive and Tiny Town Road.   Clarksville has had a ban on new billboards since 1996.  Billboards […]

Scenic America’s Strategic Plan for 2016-2019

Insider likes to know what the opposition is up to.  On May 23, 2016 Scenic America adopted a three year strategic plan which has been posted on the Scenic America website.    Insider notes four things about the plan: Scenic America has  a very small staff.  The executive director position is part-time […]

Arizona Passes Bill Allowing Additional Digital

Insider has been tracking proposed Arizona legislation sponsored by Senator Sonny Borrelli, R-Lake Havasu City.  The Arizona State Senate agreed this week to allow digital billboards in northwest Arizona. The bill passed, SB 1114, allows for up to 35 signs and includes the following guidelines: Use all commercially reasonable efforts to […]

What if the Reed case pops up in my market? A few lessons from Grand Junction, CO

Sign cases at the US Supreme Court aren’t common.  But in 2015, a unanimous Supreme Court struck down a local ordinance because it treated temporary church signs differently than others. This free speech case (Reed vs. Town of Gilbert, AZ) prompts an important question:  if the Town of Gilbert’s code […]

The Latest Development in Scenic America’s Digital Billboard Lawsuit

When Insider last reported on this case, Scenic America had lost its attempt to overturn federal guidance on digital billboards on appeal and then asked the US Supreme Court to hear the case. Last week, the Supreme Court asked the government and the billboard industry – the defendants — to […]

Quakertown, PA to approve monument/digital sign

Intell reports that Quakertown, PA will approve a 20 by 40 monument/digital billboard at State Route 309 and 663 in Quakertown.  The board will be constructed by Catalyst Outdoor.  It will have a brick or stone base topped by three circular digital signs.  Catalyst will landscape the site. The city […]