Little did I know after enthusiastically bidding good riddance to 2020 in my Billboard Insider article on 2021 OOH legal predictions, there would be a few days later an insurgence at the Capital, followed by a few weeks later a crippling ice storm in my hometown of Houston and throughout […]
Rothfelder On StreetMediaGroup vs Colorado DOT
Billboard Insider reported in its December 27th edition on the recent decision in StreetMediaGroup and Turnpike Media vs Colorado DOT. This December 6, 2021 opinion from the US District Court for the District of Colorado is extremely important, as it represents the next development in the long running saga of […]
Billboard Leases on Tribal Land
Think you can write a lease with a tribe and be done with it? Not so fast, especially if the tribe hasn’t qualified under the Hearth Act. The Hearth Act is a federal law passed in 2012 which allows Indian tribes to write business leases for a primary term of […]
How Should A Landlord Determine Market Rents?
Out of home development expert Andy Goodman writes for Billboard Insider on development issues. His last column discussed billboards on native american tribe lands. Today he discusses the best way to determine market rent for a billboard lease. So the question here is how do I know that I’m getting […]
Colorado Court Upholds Billboard Regulations Triggered by Compensation
On December 6, 2021 the US District Court for the District of Colorado dismissed a request by Street Media Group and Turnpike Media to throw out Colorado’s billboard regulations. Street Media Group and Turnpike Media argued that Colorado State Department of Transportations sign rules were unconstitutional because they were impermissibly […]
Cincinnati Asks Supreme Court to Review Cincy Tax Case
Cincinnati has petitioned the US Supreme Court to review the issue of whether a municipal excise tax on billboards abridges freedom of speech. The Ohio State Supreme Court ruled that a billboard tax infringed on the first amendment rights of a small group of speakers. A Maryland Supreme Court ruled […]
Are you liable for damages if a landlord cancels a billboard lease and you put up a billboard next door?
Are you liable for damages if a landlord cancels your billboard lease and you put up a billboard nearby which prevents the landlord from putting up a billboard? No, based on U.P.C Inc dba Garco Industrial Park v R.O.A. General, Inc. dba Reagan Outdoor Advertising (“Reagan”). Here are the facts. […]
GEFT Outdoor Wins Evansville Case
A US District Court Judge for the Southern District of Indiana ruled yesterday in favor of GEFT Outdoor in its case versus the City of Evansville. GEFT sued Evansville after being denied a variance request to construct a digital billboard. Here are links to the Court’s Entry on Cross Motions […]
Rothfelder On The Sign Regulator’s Challenge
In addition to my representation of the sign industry in a variety of regulatory disputes and business transactions, my “night job” was as the former Mayor for 16 years and the current City Attorney for the last 10 of the City of Southside Place, a predominantly residential suburb of Houston, […]
Billboards and Property Values – The Rest of the Story
The Scenic America website has a link to a 2011 study by a University of Pennsylvania researcher Jonathan Snyder which found that in Philadelphia, billboards had an adverse impact on the value of homes nearby. Billboard Insider has seen references to this study by city planners who are anti-billboard. Correlation […]