
Rothfelder on Expiration and Renewal of Sign Permits

My partners Chris and Mike and I are often asked about the situation where a client secures a permit to erect new sign at a conforming site, but he doesn’t build the sign or otherwise finish the work before the permit expires. Then, when the client attempts to renew the […]

Andy Goodman on Lease Terms

Billboard Insider asked out of home leasing and development expert Andy Goodman to review and comment on a standard out of home advertising lease.  Today he looks at the Term Section.  Andy’s comments are in italics. Term:  This lease if for a term of ten (10) years, commencing on the _________ […]

OOH Lawyer Jennifer Sloane on Protecting Your Easements

Law Firm: Sloane Law Office Address:  Orlando, Florida Email: Phone: 407-599-7400 Out of home lawyer Jennifer Sloane of Sloane Law Office represents out of home companies all around the country.  We know she’s active because she’s represented several out of home companies which have done business with our Billboard […]

Outfront Plans Digital in Red Bank New Jersey

OUTFRONT media has proposed to replace two static billboards with a digital billboard on the site of a closed gas station AT 187 Riverside Avenue on Route 35 just past Coopers Bridge in Red Bank, New Jersey.  Read articles by Tap into Redbank and Red Bank Green.  The project received […]

Andy Goodman on Out of Home Lease Easements

Billboard Insider asked out of home leasing and development expert Andy goodman to review and comment on a standard out of home advertising lease.  Today he looks at the easements and access section of the lease.  We’ve put Andy’s comments in red. Easement.  Lessor also hereby grants to Lessee the […]

Andy Goodman Reviews the Beginning of an Out of Home Lease

Billboard Insider asked out of home leasing and development expert Andy Goodman to review and comment on a standard out of home advertising lease.  Today he looks at the beginning of the lease.  We’ve put Andy’s comments in red. Lease Agreement Lease # _________________ I’ve worked for a lot of […]

Rothfelder on Adams v Madison

In Appeals Court cites Reagan v Austin in Denying Adams Lawsuit Billboard Insider reported on the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeal decision in Adams Outdoor vs City of Madison, holding that the permission afforded in the Madison Sign Code for digital on-premise signs while denied for off-premise was not content […]

Appeals Court Cites Reagan v Austin in Denying Adams Lawsuit

On January 2, 2023 the US Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied an Adams Outdoor challenge to the Madison, Wisconsin sign ordinance by citing the Supreme Court’s Reagan v Austin ruling.   Adams had argued that Madison’s sign code was unconstitutional because it treated off-premises signs less favorably than […]

Lessor Sells and Buyer Claims They Own the Billboard. What Are Your Options?

A reader asks Billboard Insider “what happens when someone buys land on which your billboard sits and then claims they own the billboard and threatens to take it down?”  We asked out of home attorney Richard Hamlin of Hamlin|Cody  to comment. Any OOH company that is in business long enough […]

Rothfelders 2023 OOH Legal Predictions

After the 2020 Year of Covid, followed by the Insurance at the Capital and Winter Storm Uri in 2021, 2022 turned out to be a pretty good year for the billboard industry, from a business and legal standpoint. For most of the year, operators and investors enjoyed robust acquisitions of […]