Vermont takes pride in being one of the few states that has a statewide ban on billboards (Hawaii, Alaska and Maine are the others). A small business man, located in northern New York, recently tested that ban in a creative way and has run afoul with Vermont. Terrific YouTube video […]
OOH and Tariffs: What’s Next
By Mike Hershey, EVP – Government Affairs, OAAA National news last week sent a ripple of uncertainty across various segments of our economy – the Trump Administration’s announcement of a 25% tariff on all goods from Canada and Mexico. This week, another trade news drop – a 25% tariff on […]
Sam Stokely on protecting your rights during a condemnation
Stokely Outdoor’s Sam Stokely is a busy man. He and two other employees run a billboard plant with 808 faces in Oklahoma. He’s also been involved in several billboard condemnations due to the widening of an interstate between Tulsa and Oklahoma City. Stokely gives the following tips on protecting your […]
Fifth Time the Charm?
Sen. John Marty, (DFL-Roseville), is proposing a billboard moratorium. It would allow no new billboards and no replacing of damaged existing billboards. He’s tried this before, though, never successfully. He also brought a bill in 2021, 2009, 2007, and all the way back to his first legislative session in 1989. So […]
LA Proposes New Penalties for illegal Signs
Editors note. Our article about the Los Angeles Sign Ordinance included a picture of signs along Hollywood Blvd. We apologize to anyone who read the article as suggesting that any of the signs in the picture is an illegal sign. That wasn’t our intent. We have removed the picture from […]
What to do when you get a condemnation letter
Out of home appraiser Paul Wright estimates that there are 200-400 billboard condemnations in the US each year. If you are in business long enough, your out of home company will receive a letter from a state transportation authority notifying you that they are condemning the land on which your […]
Don’t let the best become the enemy of the good…
Billboard Insider recently watched a November 19, 2024 Lexington County Zoning Appeals board meeting in which Lamar unsuccessfully tried to prevent Grace Outdoor from putting up a billboard after the landlord terminated a Lamar billboard lease. It’s a complicated case which begins at 20:54 of the recording but what caught […]
Chris Rothfelder on the Importance of Reviewing Title
Billboard Insider’s article discussing the Glorycrest v. Adams Outdoor lawsuit struck home from a transactional perspective. To recap, the Michigan lawsuit led to the invalidation of Adams’s lease of property due to a prohibition on billboards found in a restrictive covenant in a nearly 100 year old right of way […]
Feedback on Glorycrest vs Adams
Last Friday Billboard Insider reviewed a case in which a restrictive covenant in a 97 year old right of way agreement voided a billboard lease. Lots of comments. An out of home executive says the case highlights the need for a title search and research Adams could have done […]
97 Year Old Right of Way Agreement Invalidates a Billboard Lease
A restrictive covenant in a 97 year old right of way agreement can invalidate a billboard lease. That’s the lesson of Glorycrest Carpenter Road v Adams Outdoor. Here are the facts In October 1927 a group of landowners conveyed a Release of Right of Way (“1927 Release”) to the State […]