Build to code – or above.

A terrible story Billboard Insider has been following in India.  Last week a large billboard blew over in the wind, killing 16 people and injuring 75.  The billboard did not have a permit.  The owner of the billboard has been arrested.

Billboard Insider’s take:  Never cut corners when it comes to building codes.  You don’t want to end up in the news like this guy.  Billboard Insider notes that the billboard involved did not have a permit and was unable to withstand 25-50 mile an hour winds.  In storm prone areas of the US building codes may require you to build to withstand 175 mile an hour winds.  Selective Structures Matt Schulze once told Billboard Insider, If you want to be conservative build to 200+ mph…There’s nothing wrong with overbuilding your structure.”  You should also consider hurricane frames in a high wind area.  The vinyl blows off, leaving the structure intact and less subject to wind stress.


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One Comment

  1. Great advice. Selective Structures builds a top notch product and hurricane frames are a must for our area.