Reliable Electric announced a fall protection rebate program and a revised safety website this week. Insider talked with Brian Kline for an update.
What’s new at Reliable Electric?
Appreciate you asking Dave. 2020 has most certainly been a challenging year for us all in the industry. Business is certainly improving and I’m looking forward to the remaining part of this fiscal year. Over this past year, we were worked diligently on revamping our website. As the largest 3M DBI distributor to our industry, we decided it was time to branch out a little and offer our safety products through a ecommerce site. With over 2400 items to choose from, the selection and detailed information is phenomenal. Did I mention, wholesale pricing as well? Our team did an excellent job.
You’re running a safety equipment rebate program.
Certainly. Earlier this year the safety equipment supplier DBI offered a “trade in trade up” program to encourage users to upgrade their current fall protection. This month, they have stepped it up a notch and doubled the rebates on 1200 items through 10/30/2020. This rebate is directly through DBI. You simply log onto the link, type in your part number and it will state the projected rebate value. We can certainly provide more details to anyone interested, but it is a pretty straight forward program. Excellent time to upgrade and save significant money.
What’s new with Reliable’s high efficiency lighting products?
We are always continuing to improve efficiency of our lighting products. While our traditional Holophane billboard LEDs quietly receive chip upgrades, our biggest focus lately has been on wallscapes. Huge strides have been made in the last year. I can confidently say, we can light any size wall with LED now. The energy savings and most importantly maintenance savings are significant. Difficult lighting projects are what we thrive on and confidently do best. Most people do not know this, but Reliable has been the go-to source for advertising lighting since 1945, 75 years of serving this industry.
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