Billboards Urge Ukrainians to Resist Russia

Dear Ukrainians, hold the field! We’ll take them down very soon!

By Tetiana Denysiuk, RTM-Ukraine Outdoor Ad company

My  name  is Tetiana Denysiuk, I’m responsible for public relations at “RTM-Ukraine”  outdoor  ad  company and at the Industrial Committee of Outdoor Advertising  in  Ukraine. I’m writing to several magazines and blogs I used to read in peaceful time. You used to inspire me to share your countries Outdoor industry news here among  Ukrainian professionals.  Now  I  ask  you to share a piece of news from my country. This is how Ukrainian  outdoor  agencies all over the country support our army and our brave people mood.

Ivan, does your mother know you kill Ukranians?

This   campaign started from the very first days of the war. On the ad faces  at  the  cities  attacked by russian troops the special outdoor advertisements appeared claiming russians to go away. It was and still is an absolute local citizens and local businesses initiative.

Now it’s a national flash mob which spreads all over Ukraine. We claim russians  go  fuck  themselves! We say that there is no need to “save” Ukrainians,  we  feel  safe  at  our  common  home. Now Ukrainian army defense  our  homes  and our people from aggression and total lie, the only   thing    that    russians   can   produce.   Ukrainians   thank Europeans  and  Americans  for  their support. We really feel it! What we  need  —  is  to  have our sky closed by NATO, our heroic army will manage the rest.

I’ll  be  glad  if  you  share  attached images. Every day we have new mockups  and  new  photos  from the cities. Outdoor companies do their best  to  support  Ukrainian’s  mood  and  to be helpful with socially meaningful  information.

Glory to Ukraine! Glory to our heroes!


Russian soldiers stop. Remember your family. Go home with a clean conscience.

Some of the messages which are running on Ukranian out of home company signs.
01 — Invaders, run away from our land while you are alive
02 — Russians, you are fascist! There is no mercy for you! Burn in hell!
03 — Russians, you did this! Go away from our land!
04 — We don’t need to be “saved” by you! Ukraine is our home! Russians, go away!
05 — Russia, go fuck yourself! Citizens of Kropyvnytskyi
06 — Ivan, do your mother know that you kill Ukrainians?
07 — Russian soldier, stop! Remember your family! Go home with a clean conscience!
08 — Russian soldier, stop! Don’t become a killer! Be a human!
09 — Russian warship, go fuck yourself!
10 — Invaders, go out from Ukraine!
11 — Russian Ministry of Defence: zero-loss. So you will be buried by us, not your parents.
12 — 1941 — fascist invader. 2022 — russian invader.
13 — Russian soldier, stop! Putin has lost. All the world supports Ukraine. You, go away with no blood on you hands!
14 — Russian soldier, stop! Bullets are waiting for you instead of flowers
15 — Russian solder, go fuck yourself!
16 — Dear Ukrainians, hold the field! We’ll take them down very soon!

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