Billboard Structure Maintenance – What to Look at When

A reader asked us for a billboard structure maintenance timeline.  We talked with Selective Structures Matt Schulze about what to do when.

How often should I inspect my billboard structures?

Once a year.

What should I inspect?

  • You start at the foundation.  Confirm that there are no cracks in the concrete or no separation of concrete from the column.
  • Work your way up the structure looking for rust.
  • Verify pipe integrity.
  • Look for rust on head bolts and paint head polts with a rust inhibitor ever year.
  • Verify that welds are intact.
  • Confirm the integrity of the catwalk grating.

How often should I replace bolts?

  • Every 15 years on the center mount.
  • Every 10 years on flags.
  • Every 10 years in a coastal area.
  • After a hurricane or high winds.

Anything Else?

  • Paint.  Paint.  Paint your structures!
  • Check safety cable clamps to make sure the clamps are intact.


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