Today Billboard Insider released the 2017 Billboard Insider out of home website rankings. Insider reviewed 337 out of home company websites and computed a score for each company based on the website’s contact info, sign info, readability and social media impact. 20 points was the maximum score possible. You can read the ranking methodology here. The mean website score was 11.0. Here are the top five places
First place. Perfect score of 20 points.
- Lamar
- Second place. 19 points.
- Boardworks
- Primary Media.
- Third place. 18 points.
- Capitol Outdoor
- Comstor
- Dusty’s Outdoor Media
- Huntington Outdoor
- Jones Outdoor
- Outfront Media
- Veale Outdoor.
- Fourth place. 17 points.
- Adams Outdoor
- Ashby St Outdoor
- Atomic Enterprises
- DDI media
- GreenSigns Chicago
- International Outdoor
- Yesco
- Fifth place. 16 points.
- Adsource Outdoor
- Fairway Outdoor
- Independent Outdoor
- Kessler Outdoor
- Land Displays
- Mid-America Advertising
- MH Outdoor
- Mollman Outdoor
- Norton Outdoor
- Ralston Outdoor
- Roland Advertising
- Stein Sign Display
- Stott Outdoor
- Wingate Media.
You can see an alphabetical listing of 330 out of home advertising company websites and read how the ratings were computed by visiting Billboard Insider’s 2017 Outdoor Website Rankings Page. Use the form below if you wish to receive a detailed breakdown of your company’s score.
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