Ike Wingate of Wingate Media is organizing a digital billboard campaign to solve a murder case in Tennessee. Insider talked with Wingate.
Ike, what case are you trying to solve?
A good friend and all around great man was murdered at his home 2 weeks ago. His name was Jim Grimes. I served with him on multiple boards and he was a great example of how to do business the right way and was very generous to the community. He also was a fan of billboards as a customer and even spent time helping me lobby for laws to be changed in our community to allow for more. Needless to say, our community has been absolutely shocked, especially since everyone liked him. He was ambushed while in his barn feeding his animals at night. Completely senseless and cowardly!
What’s the campaign?
We’ve assembled a network of 15 digital billboards to run a reward ad to garner tips to aid in the investigation. Camel City generously designed the ads at no charge. The initial out of home companies which were involved were Trailhead, Blackbird, MH Outdoor, Columbia Neon and Wingate Media in Nashville (formerly RBX managed inventory).
Where would you like to expand?
We would welcome any additional digital billboard companies in Tennessee, Alabama, Kentucky, Arkansas, and surrounding states to place ads in their open digital billboard inventory. We can make the artwork available to them. The family has been incredibly touched and grateful and we are hopeful that these digital billboards will bring justice to this horrific act and allow the closure this family deserves.
To participate in the campaign contact Ike Wingate, ike@wingatemediagroup.com, 615-613-6785
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