Evan Metrock of Billboard Alerts gave an update of the company’s direct mail out of home marketing service yesterday at the IBOUSA conference.
The Product.
Billboard alerts allows you to send out 4X6 postcards to market a billboard (latitude and longitude) to directionally oriented businesses within a certain number of miles of any billboard.
You can do a 4″ by 6″ small postcard, a 6″ by 11″ big postcard or an 8.5″ by 11″ mailed letter. The cost is $1.50 per small postcard, $1.80 per large postcard and $1.70 per mailed letter.

Results from Using the Product
Successful direct mail pieces have a 1-2% response rate. Billboard Alerts tests with IBOUSA members have demonstrated a 1% response rate for small postcards, that is, 1% of potential clients who received a postcard called an out of home company to inquire about a billboard vacancy.
10,489 mailers have sent on behalf of 20 IBOUSA out of home companies (6,056 big postcard, 3,232 small postcard and 1,201 letters).
The mailing campaign generated 22 small postcard and 20 big postcard responses, which equates to a 1% response rate for small postcards and a 0.4% response rate for big postcards
Best Practices in Using Billboard Alerts
- Small postcard templates work best.
- There is a 3X response rate from businesses regarding billboards not along an interstate.
- There is a 2X response rate form businesses receiving mailers with discounted rate.
- Use repeat mailings. One company sent out 500 small postcards and got response. Then they sent out 500 big postcards 2 months later and got an additional response.
- Send out a minimum of 150-300 postcards to market a particular open billboard.
- It’s worth following up in person with people who haven’t responded (“did you get our postcard”).
What additional features is Billboard Alerts Working On?
- Radius based searching
- Preventing duplicates from nearby signs
- Better integration with apparatix.
- Functionality to better understand local businesses. Local lead generation.
Insider’s Take: This is a really promising tool to help generate leads for your empty billboards.
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