Billboard Insider readers by a 2-1 margin said they would run the Biden ice cream billboard on free speech grounds. Here are a selection of comments:
A Southeastern Out of Home company executive
If the question is would I run this Ad. I more than likely would not. I do think it is a legit form of free speech. No different than Satire. I also think they needed a disclaimer of who paid for it.
A Southern Out of Home executive.
Yes if it had a paid tag on it and I knew from the beginning it wasn’t a hack.
Another Southeastern OOH executive
You either believe in free speech or you don’t. This doesn’t incite a riot. It’s not like yelling FIRE! in a crowded theater. It is one persons take (actually a few more than that) on how the crisis in Afghanistan was handled. As someone who has been in the OOH industry for 20+ years and served in both the Marines and Army National Guard I have no problems with it.
A Texas based OOH executive
Free speech!! That’s what America’s all about.
An out of home executive with a sense of humor says this
The real crime is all that white background on a digital! Yikes.!
Insider Note: A news update from WWAY3 noted that Tedder Outdoor Advertising, the operator of the billboard, says someone anonymously dropped off an envelope with money and instructions for the billboard inside.
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