Ask an Expert: Daktronics on The Care and Cleaning of Digital Billboard Cameras

A reader writes: “We are having issues with our cameras on our digitals getting dirty, do other companies have this issue? Do they regularly clean them? I thought you would be the guy to ask or it might make for a good article on the site.”

Billboard Insider talked with Daktronics OOH Strategic Marketing Manager Joni Schmeichel and OOH Product Manager Lori Seiler.

When should I clean a digital billboard webcam?

When the camera is dirty enough that the image does not allow you to easily see the content or appears to be obstructed by dirt, cobwebs, bugs, etc.   We recommend cleaning on an annual basis or timed with a visit to avoid an extra trip to site. If it appears to be dirty and obstructing a clear view, give it a clean while on site.

How should I clean a digital billboard webcam?

Within our Digital Billboard Service Manual we have a section for Annual Inspections, it references our Digital Billboard Maintenance Checklist. A recommended annual task is cleaning the webcam lens. We provide a procedure on how to do this.

Cleaning a Daktronics Digital Billboard Webcam

Required Equipment

  • Clean Rags
  • Glass Cleaner

Webcam Cleaning

  1. Apply a small amount of glass cleaner to a clean rag.
  2. Use the portion of the rag with the glass cleaner to wipe the front of the webcam lens clean.

Our webcam supplier has a similar response to clean when the lens becomes dirty.

Cleaning the Camera and Lens

If the lens becomes dirty during the installation process, clean the lens using a lint-free cotton cloth. Make sure that the lens is still in focus after cleaning and adjust its focus if required.

Cleaning the Lens Cover

  • Always mount and unmount the lens cover using a soft cotton cloth to protect it from being scratched and from getting dirty.
  • You should clean the lens cover at regular intervals. Always use a soft, lint-free cotton cloth for this purpose.
  • If the dirt is more persistent, add a mild alcohol-free detergent without abrasive particles.
  • Make sure you instruct cleaning personnel on how to clean the camera.  

Be sure to check what type of webcam you have on your digital display prior to going on site, the tools and process might differ slightly by manufacturer.


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