On this week’s OAAA suppliers webcast Vistar’s Michael Provenzano said that that programmatic buyer priorities right now include the ability to do pause/cancel without penalty and no upfront or long-term commitments.
Insider asked Lamar’s Ian Dallimore if pause/cancel without penalty and no long term commitments are a problem for out of home and this is what he said.
Because the majority of the buyers that are currently buying Digital Programmatic (OmniChannel DSPs and Digital Native Agencies) they typically wouldn’t be buying our inventory if it wasn’t for our inventory being exposed on Digital Exchanges. This is the way they are used to buying “start – stop – adjust etc). This has actually brought more value to our medium as well as attention where if we didn’t allow this they wouldn’t buy Digital OOH. The flexibility that Michael talked about was what helped drive the best year we’ve had in Programmatic despite the pandemic.
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