OAAA CEO, Anna Bager was interviewed last week by Street Fight. You can read the entire article on this Street Fight Link, but Billboard Insider wanted to share a few excerpts from the article
How has the OAAA changed since its founding in 1891?
The association was formed as the Associated Bill Posters’ Association of the U.S. and Canada in Chicago to promote greater understanding of the poster medium. The name was changed to the Outdoor Advertising Association of America (OAAA) in 1925 and changed again to the Out of Home Advertising Association of America in 2019 to reflect the expanded role and scope of the entire OOH industry.
We’re still here to protect, unite, promote, and advance the OOH industry – yet much of the technology, terminology, and member organizations have evolved over the years. We’ve expanded beyond posters to represent more than 800 members, including leading media companies, advertisers, agencies, ad-tech providers, and suppliers.
What would surprise the association’s founders the most about today’s OOH media landscape?
Likely how much the medium has changed. It includes everything from wall murals to bus shelters, vehicle wraps to taxi tops, screens in elevators, at gas pumps, and in malls. They would be most surprised by how technology has evolved and grown our medium, with the digital explosion being the most significant.
What innovations can we expect in OOH as a media channel?
Digital will continue to be the most significant driver for OOH growth – by 2027 it is projected to be almost half of total OOH spend. AI will certainly be driving wider use of contextual OOH advertising, especially in the programmatic area. This will translate to even greater OOH relevancy with consumers. Innovation will also continue to fragment the audiences of our media competitors, while OOH will continue to thrive as the only true mass medium available to brands to rapidly reach enormous audiences.
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