On this week’s OAAA webinar, OAAA’s Stephen Freitas, Tech Crunch’s Anthony Ha, Talon’s Josko Grljevic and OUTFRONT’s Andy Sriubas discussed programmatic out of home. Sriubus commented on how covid impacting OUTFRONT and why the future is still bright.
On Covid and out of home
I see out of home as not having been hurt too significantly by the pandemic in the long term. Clearly when you’re telling people to stay home and not travel on subways and buses and driving down the highway it’s going to hurt in the short term. Fine. It get that. But as we come back, as there’s a vaccine as people start to feel better…about going out and doing their things out of home is still going to be there. We will…hopefully have taken this period of time to accelerate some of out thought processes around what tech we should invest in…what partners we’re going to want to be with…to the extent that we can do so we rise above some of the other mediums…linear television, OTT, magazines – they’re still trying to figure out how they fit it…we have fundamental…technology, fundamental transformation of a sales force from an execution group to a sales advisory…we’re a very good stable medium…the opportunity for out of home is humungous…
On how OUTFRONT used data to communicate with clients during the covid crisis
We went into this thing and everything in the beginning of March just sort of closed…Every one of our assets started to drop – especially in transit. And then as you go through April and we started to get some pickup the mindset of buyers…was thinking everybody’s still closed. Nobody’s going outside. We’re locked down. When in fact the data management platforms… start to show that around particular assets it’s increasing and it’s increasing much more significantly than people might have thought through some myth that..“I’m inside so everybody else is probably inside too”…Maybe that downtown corridor on the way to that office part is lower, so the two billboards on the side of that particular highway are lower…but all the traffic on the way to the Walmart, that’s picked up. People are now doing 2-3 trips a week to the Walmart because its something to do because they can’t go to the movies…Data busts myths…Ten years ago we couldn’t to this. Today we can.
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