Billboard Insider asked out of home leasing and development expert Andy goodman to review and comment on a standard out of home advertising lease. Today he looks at the easements and access section of the lease. We’ve put Andy’s comments in red.
Easement. Lessor also hereby grants to Lessee the following easements over the Property and adjacent property owned or controlled by Lessor: a) an easement for reasonable access to Lessee’s Structures; b) an easement to maintain an unobstructed view of the advertising copy on the Structures by passing motorists and pedestrians, including, but not limited to, the right to trim and remove any trees and other vegetation as often as Lessee in its sole discretion deems appropriate to prevent obstructions; and c) an easement to connect utilities to Lessee’s Structures.
There’s an easement for reasonable access also for being able to maintain the structure. If there is future plans to upgrade the billboard to digital, a temporary construction easement should also be included. You want to have enough room to get your maintenance trucks and cranes onto the property.
The Lessee needs to have a visibility easement to trim trees and bushes on the property as appropriate. That’s what we are leasing from the property owner – the visibility of the sign. We have enough problems with Cities, Counties, and State trees and bushes. Our property owner should not create an additional problem for us. Lastly the utility easement must be included on the site plan so the Lessor and future Lessors know where our utility lines are located.
Next week Andy will review the term section of the lease. You can reach Andy at andygoodman.age@gmail.com, 310-721-8422.
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