Billboard Insider is seeing increased use of monument signs and small digital signs. We asked out of home siting and development expert Andy Goodman what he thinks and he said this.
Monument Signs
Electronic Billboards designed to look like Monument style signs, Gateway signs and Landmark Message Center signs are the new fad in California. A billboard is a billboard is a billboard. To us in the industry it’s still a billboard. Sometimes a City is convinced that the only way to get a digital billboard built in their City and through the Planning Commission, City Council and the residence is to dress it up. We will place whatever frame, design or covering you need. Today because of Development Agreements and the digital trend that we are going through the out of home advertising companies are saying if we have to make it look like a Monument sign that’s fine. What we are trying to limit is the amount of other eye-catching logos that have to go on the billboard. I have many cities that want time and temperature reader, the city logo, the city motto…and then they start to discuss if the name of the City should go on the top or the bottom of the sign…
Small digital signs
We have a couple of counties and cities here in California, and I’m sure they are around the country, that limit the size of signs to 300 square feet. A 10 x 30digital sign may be the only alternative. To date, I have not built a 10 x 30 digital sign but I have built static signs of that size. On a freeway it depends on how many lanes the freeway is and how close I can get the sign to the freeway. More likely the digital 10 x 30’s or 10 x 20’s are going to happen on surface streets or on 2-4 lane highways going in and out of local communities. I am in discussions to build a number of 10 x 20 and 10 x 30 digital signs in California on surface streets where we can’t build on freeways because of spacing rules.
You can reach Andy Goodman at andygoodman.age@gmail.com or by using the form below.
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